睿理文神學院 Relevant Theological Institute
RTI kicked off its first academic year (2013-14) on October 5, 2013. This seminary started with offering courses to the Chinese Christians in the northeast part of the San Francisco Bay Area, primarily to those live in Walnut Creek and Tri-Valley area. Since January 2015, students can attend classes via video conferencing.
睿神於 2015 年開始提供課堂及視訊雙軌教學, 但有鑑於 COVID-19 疫情的持續發展,
從 2022 年開始全部課程以視訊進行, 以保障人員的健康安全及善用神所賜的資源.
A Feasting on the Gospel of Matthew Seminar
日期 Date:
美西 2023/8/20 週日 18:00-23:20; 台灣 2023/08/21 週一 09:00~14:20
地點 Venue:
聖光神學院(高雄市河南二路二號)二樓禮堂,及視訊會議(Video Conferencing)
美西 2023/8/20 週日 18:00-23:20; 台灣 2023/08/21 週一 09:00~14:20
地點 Venue:
聖光神學院(高雄市河南二路二號)二樓禮堂,及視訊會議(Video Conferencing)
會中有四篇論文發表, 本校論文摘要: 題目 "天國近天堂遠". 根據馬太福音 3:2, 4:17, 10:7, 施洗約翰, 耶穌, 及十二門徒傳道的標語是 “天國近了”, 這乃是以神為本的福音. 相較於近代的標語 “上天堂” 則是側重以人為本. “天國” 與 “天堂” 常被當成同義詞, 其實存在著天壤之別. “天堂” 令人嚮往, 著重 “去”; “天國” 令人儆醒, 著重 “來”, 也就是神要來在人間掌權作王, 值得我們深思, 讓福音反璞歸真.
Courses Offered
Life in the New Testament World, The Call of Israel (Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers).
The Book of Revelation, The Writings, New Testament History, Genesis 1-11, Culture of the New Testament World, Origin of Israel (Genesis 12-50), New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-3 (Philemon).
First Corinthians, Old Testament Archaeology, Second Corinthians, The Pentateuch, The Book of Hebrews, The Prophets, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-2 (2 John).
Gospel of John, Empires in the Old Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations, Epistle to the Romans, Life in Biblical Israel, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-1 (3 John).
The Gospels, Text and Canon, Pauline Epistles, New Testament Criticism, Later New Testament Writings, Biblical Hermeneutics, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2).
Second Corinthians, New Testament Theology, Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Church, The Old Testament in the New Testament, Revelation, New Testament Greek (1).
Exegesis of Hebrew Poetry, Second Temple Judaism, Book of Hebrews, Christianities before Christendom, Gospel of John, New Testament Archaeology, First Corinthians, New Testament Greek (1).
New Testament Criticism, Later New Testament Writings, New Testament Theology, Formation of the Bible, Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis on Genesis, New Testament Background, The Acts of the Apostles, New Testament Greek (1).
The Gospels, Text and Canon, Pauline Epistles, Christianities before Christendom, New Testament Greek (1).
Family and Faith Development, Old Testament Theology, New Testament Archaeology, Biblical Hermeneutics, Romans, Second Temple Judaism, New Testament Use of the Old Testament.
Old Testament Introduction-1, Old Testament introduction-2, Old Testament Introduction-3, Revelation, Formation of the Bible, Romans, New Testament Backgrounds, Biblical Hermeneutics.
New Testament Introduction-1, New Testament Introduction-2, New Testament Introduction-3, Gospel of John, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Formation of the Bible.
Life in the New Testament World, The Call of Israel (Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers).
The Book of Revelation, The Writings, New Testament History, Genesis 1-11, Culture of the New Testament World, Origin of Israel (Genesis 12-50), New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-3 (Philemon).
First Corinthians, Old Testament Archaeology, Second Corinthians, The Pentateuch, The Book of Hebrews, The Prophets, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-2 (2 John).
Gospel of John, Empires in the Old Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations, Epistle to the Romans, Life in Biblical Israel, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2), Greek Reading and Exegesis-1 (3 John).
The Gospels, Text and Canon, Pauline Epistles, New Testament Criticism, Later New Testament Writings, Biblical Hermeneutics, New Testament Greek (1), New Testament Greek (2).
Second Corinthians, New Testament Theology, Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Church, The Old Testament in the New Testament, Revelation, New Testament Greek (1).
Exegesis of Hebrew Poetry, Second Temple Judaism, Book of Hebrews, Christianities before Christendom, Gospel of John, New Testament Archaeology, First Corinthians, New Testament Greek (1).
New Testament Criticism, Later New Testament Writings, New Testament Theology, Formation of the Bible, Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis on Genesis, New Testament Background, The Acts of the Apostles, New Testament Greek (1).
The Gospels, Text and Canon, Pauline Epistles, Christianities before Christendom, New Testament Greek (1).
Family and Faith Development, Old Testament Theology, New Testament Archaeology, Biblical Hermeneutics, Romans, Second Temple Judaism, New Testament Use of the Old Testament.
Old Testament Introduction-1, Old Testament introduction-2, Old Testament Introduction-3, Revelation, Formation of the Bible, Romans, New Testament Backgrounds, Biblical Hermeneutics.
New Testament Introduction-1, New Testament Introduction-2, New Testament Introduction-3, Gospel of John, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Formation of the Bible.
週年慶學術研討會 Anniversary Celebration
The Ultimate Goal of Seminary Education:
The Transmission of Faith (1Kings 19)
Featuring Rev. Timothy Wu, Ph.D.
The Ultimate Goal of Seminary Education:
The Transmission of Faith (1Kings 19)
Featuring Rev. Timothy Wu, Ph.D.
Time: Saturday 2014/10/4, 10 am - 12 pm, reception follows.
Place: 5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588.
Place: 5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588.